By Kevin Canessa Jr.
In case you missed it, here it is again.
Now I'm sure there will be some reading this who say, immediately, "There he goes again." Or, "Canessa has finally lost his mind."
When the reality of it is, in fact, that I've finally found some peace -- contentment -- because for the last time in my life, I've allowed a religious nutcase, who pounds the Bible as a way to make judgments about people, to get to me. Never again will a person who does that -- or will a person who uses Holy Communion as a weapon rather than a means for uniting -- against me or anyone else for that matter.
Never again will a person who is "born again" upset me because said person is of the belief that because they've had some sort of awakening, it gives them the right to spew lie after lie after hate-filled lie about the Lord.
Fred Phelps's church members protesting at a soldier's funeral. |
Never again will a person upset me when they say a divorced person shouldn't receive Holy Communion.
Never again -- period -- will another human being get to me because said person is of the belief that they're more likely to get to Heaven because they know the Bible better than others.
Too often in my life, I've come into contact with Bible beaters like this.
I've seen the comments from them.
"Gays will rot in hell."
"Obama is a Muslim."
"People who engage in pre-marital sex shouldn't receive communion."
"You can't have peace in your life unless you fully accept the word of God."
I've heard these comments. I've heard more. I've heard worse. I've heard more simplistic nonsense.
But nope -- these fools will no longer get to me.
Because the truth is, these people have their own interpretation of the Bible. They pick and choose which passages should be applied -- usually the ones that don't affect them -- and ignore the ones that affect them on a regular basis.
A fool like the religious nut I know in South Florida will say "gays are heading to hell" because he's straight -- and he likes that passage in Leviticus. But he'll ignore the same chapter that says those who eat shell fish are damned for hell because he likes clams and oysters.
He'll ignore the passages that say slavery is a good thing.
He'll ignore where it says a woman should be subservient to her husband, because he kind of likes it that his wife bows down to him simply because she's a woman, and he's a man.
He'll also make up foreign nonsense -- like that Jesus said gays were going to hell -- even though in 33 years, Jesus never once took up the issue. Or that only a man should be a priest, because Jesus and his apostles were all men.
For years, I've allowed these people to upset me -- these hate-filled animals -- when they send out letters on how a politician who is pro-choice politically should be denied communion, while supporting priests who break the law in so many ways by taking away the innocence of young children by molesting them in the sacristy or rectory.
I've allowed them to make me feel inferior because at one point, my relationship with Jesus was not as overt as theirs.
I've allowed them to say things that are absolutely insane, because deep down, there was a time I though that despite their religious zealotry, they were actually still decent people.
You see, the truth is, people like that can mask it all they want under the guise of religion. In reality, it's masked hatred. So many of these people are flat-out evil.
They purport to be caring, loving people -- when deep down, in the name of Christ, they're hate-filled animals who belong in hell themselves.
They have this incredible feeling that because they've got a so-called relationship with an invisible deity that they're heading to heaven while the rest are doomed to an eternity of fire.
Truth is, these kinds of people make it hard to believe any supreme power exists, because their hearts are so filled with hatred, with insanity, that it makes it next to impossible to believe an almighty would allow such crap in his world.
Yet today, for the first time ever, I can take solace in knowing these fools will never get to me again. Not even Fred Phelps and his diabolic family.
Because by no means would a good and gracious God allow people to do what they do in his name and get away with it.
And if there's really a heaven and hell, I'd say there's a much better chance the likes of you and me getting to heaven -- whilst they burn, combust and spend eternity -- rotting where each of them really belong-- in hell.
And lastly, as said in the headline, may I say it again, one last time, to these religious nutjobs.
Fuck off.
Fuck off, once and for all.
And enjoy hell.
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