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28 July 2011

September 11, 2001 As It Happened (Audio): From WCBS Newsradio 880 in New York

Publisher's Note: This post was originally published on this site on 19 August 2009. 

For those who have forgotten what Sept. 11, 2001 was like, here are "As It Happened" recording from WCBS, Newradio 880 New York. The recordings span initial word of the North Tower being hit from helicopter traffic reporter Tom Kaminski and end after the South Tower collapsed, several hours later. Allow a few seconds for audio to load on high-speed connections; several minutes for dial-up. Warning: Some of these recordings may be difficult for some to listen to. Also, please allow some time for the audio files to load as they're somewhat large in size. 

The First Report:

The Second Tower is Hit

The aftermath


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