Sometimes, time is just too hard to put into perspective.
Take Sept. 11, 2001.
In just a few weeks, we will, as a nation, pause to mark the 10th anniversary of the most senseless attacks ever committed upon our great country. And yet, somehow, it seems like that day was just a few weeks ago -- not a full decade since.
In the coming weeks, leading up to the anniversary, I will be writing about and sharing some thoughts about the anniversary and stories about that day -- and the days that followed. Please feel free, as well, to share your own stories. I will publish them here on the site. Simply send your reflections to me by clicking here to send an e-mail message. I will do my best to publish them all in a timely manner.
Among the separate stories I will share, my day Sept. 11, 2001, the Day After, turning to God, Father Mike's story of losing his two best friends, rebuilding, patriotism that didn't last long enough, going to a hockey game at Madison Square Garden on Sept. 17, 2001, going to a baseball game on my 27th birthday -- Sept. 21, 2001 -- and so much more.
Please check back in the days and months leading up to the anniversary for complete coverage -- and be sure to send in your own reflections.
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